
James Stewart

SuperMotocross: How it works


The first ever SuperMotocross kicks of 9/9/23 at zMAX Dragway in Charlotte!

Still confused about what it is and how it works? Not to worry. You’re not the only one.

The promoters haven’t made it clear how it works in any of the broadcasts this year. Let us help break it down for you quick.

When and where are the SMX races?

  1. Charlotte Motor Speedway AKA “zMAX Dragway” 9/9/23
  2. Chicagoland Speedway 9/16/23
  3. Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum 9/23

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How does a rider Qualify to compete in SMX?

Points are combined from the Supercross and Motocross championships to rank each rider. The top 20 automatically make it into all of the main events. 21st-30th ranked riders from Supercross and Motocross have a shot at making it into the main event through a last chance qualifier. Only 2 riders can qualify out of the last chance qualifier.

What are the Payouts for SuperMotocross?

450 SuperMotocross Payout
250 SuperMotocross Payout

*Payouts are given at the end of the 3 round series, to the rider who accumulates the most points*

How Do SuperMotocross Points Work?

Supermotocross will be a 2 moto format. Both motos are 25 minutes + 2 laps. Overall finishes will be based off of an Olympic scoring system where lowest score wins the overall for that specific race. First place will get one point, second place will get two points, and so on through 22nd place.

Going into the races, riders will receive points equivalent to a moto win towards the SMX finals based on where they finished overall for supercross and motocross for the year. This means Hunter Lawrence will receive 25 points since he won the supercross and motocross championship, for example.

The second round at Chicagoland has a 2x points multiplier for overall finishes and the third round has a 3x points multiplier for overall finishes toward the Supermotocross Finals Championship.

What does the first round look like?

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